Prevalance Of Dementia In Malaysia: A Systematic Review

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Institute for Health Management
Research Projects
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Background: The Malaysian population is gradually ageing and this is similar to other nations of the world. The growing elderly population is expected to greatly increase the number of persons with dementia. However, data on the prevalence of dementia at the national level in Malaysia has not been updated. Therefore, this research study is to determine the prevalence of dementia in Malaysia from 2010 until 2018. Methods: This study uses the concept of systematic review for article selection on the prevalence of dementia in Malaysia from 2010 until 2018. The framework followed standardized systematic review PRISMA. A research strategy with suitable search terms was developed and all the reviews were conducted on an electronic database of PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, local journals, and relevant research websites. Two investigators assessed the search results independently according to the search terms and any disagreement between these two investigators was resolved through discussion with the lead author. Results: 10,545 titles were successfully extracted from selected electronic databases and other resources. Based on the titles and abstracts screened by the two investigators, five studies met the inclusion criteria and search terms provided and two relevant articles were finally selected. Based on the two articles selected, the prevalence of dementia was recorded as 14.3%. Conclusion: Relatively higher prevalence rates of dementia in elderly Malaysians were accounted for compared to other countries. New projections for estimating the number of elderly having the disease should be made. More reviews should be conducted in the future for a better understanding of dementia of occurrence in Malaysia.
Dementia, Elderly, PRISMA, Malaysia